Daby Obiechefu

Creative Producer & Fascilitator


Daby was the lead for Walking and Wellbeing within Kwanzaa Collective UK and has curated programmes in this role. Daby has facilitated numerous art workshops, for adults and young people including students at Keele and Refugee and Asylum seekers as part of the Babylon project. Daby was the co-producer and curator of the Redemption exhibition created to highlight the unseen work of Stoke-on-Trent’s 2020 graduates. 

To commission or contact the artist visit the following social media links:

Daby is a multidisciplinary visual artist. Her practice is primarily inspired by emotions, thoughts and experiences; aiming to challenge perceptions, ideas and thought processes through the creation of immersive and intriguing depictions/environments. Experienced in realism, digital and traditional painting, videography, performance, dance and sculpture, Daby often incorporates some of these mediums within her projects, based on their suitability and ability to convey the concept efficiently. Human figures are mostly present in her work to connect with the viewer by introducing a familiar attribute.

As well as producing works, curating exhibitions, running workshops, being a creative facilitator at Urban Wilderness, Daby has also been a facilitator and content creator for Restoke ‘The Power Project’ with young people. 

Living in multiple countries such as Italy, Ireland and England, with a Nigerian background, has enabled Daby to adapt to numerous cultures and surroundings. This was a contribution to the development of her artistic practice plus her intrigue and fascination to learn, expanding her knowledge and expertise.

Daby was part of The Pappy Show’s production ‘What do you see?’ at Fenton Town Hall (part of Moving Roots). Daby Obiechefu has exhibited at both solo and group exhibitions. She has recently exhibited with Dust rising Every Other Seat, I See You, I Hear You at Chapters Café with Keele University and has won the Burslem School of Art award for the Three Counties Exhibition, 2023.