Alliyah Dawud

Executive Co-Director -  Writer and Empowerment Coach

WELLBEING - Creative & Literary Arts

As a writer and journalist Alliyah manages Kwanzaa’s internal and external communications.

To commission or contact the artist visit the following social media links:

Alliyah Dawud is a published Writer, Content Creator, trained Journalist and Empowerment Coach. Alliyah was born in Birmingham (U.K.) but now calls Stoke-on-Trent home. Currently Alliyah is a Project Lead for Culture Volunteer (a part of Stoke Creates). 

Through her own life experiences, of being a Heart Attack survivor, she has developed Self Development material and in Spring 2023 her first full publication Take Your Warrior Pose was released on Balboa Press. Alliyah’s specialty is working on building self-confidence, and self-empowerment and ultimately leading clients to transform their lives to their standards. As a brown British Muslim woman, she has a lot of experience working with groups that are more culture-dominated, where women live to different standards and principles. She has worked with women in forced marriages, women from various ethnicities who have suffered emotional abuse as well as domestic violence and even women who have escaped modern-day slavery.

She delivers one-to-one coaching, group coaching and meditation and other self-development courses and techniques which can be tailored to her client’s needs including EFT (tapping) and re-writing your story to bring change via NLP, mindset and Laws of Attraction. She can also deliver spiritually enhancement courses for those that feel the modern-day world is disconnecting them from their source.

As well as being a Transformational Coach she works as a Plant based Chef working on vegetarian and vegan-based food. As a Muslim she works with halal ingredients. Alongside cooking, she is a food writer concentrating on reducing food wastage.